Join Our Next Event In Baltimore, MD on Sept 21, 2024

What Is Minds Matter?

BGHF’s Minds Matter Mental Health Campaign is a national campaign that includes digital and traditional grassroots awareness spearheaded by our BGH College Ambassador Program.

The campaign includes a series of mental health-related workshops at community libraries in various cities throughout the country. The campaign includes in person and virtual events coupled with the execution of a targeted social media strategy to educate African American women on mental health.

In Partnership With

Upcoming Events

Washington D.C.


Date: TBD

Time: TBD



Date: September 21, 2024

Time: 11:00 AM



Date: TBD

Time: TBD

Did You Know?

According to the National Library of Medicine, African American women not only have significantly increased health risk with limited options for resources, but according to the National Institutes of Health, In 2017, young adults aged 78-25 years had the highest prevalence of mental illness followed by adults aged 26-49 years of age.

Why Is Minds Matter So Important?

Racism continues to have an impact on the mental health of Black/African Americans. Negative stereotypes and attitudes of rejection have decreased, but continue to occur with measurable, adverse consequences.

“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.”

-Amy March, Little Women

Sponsorship Levels

Sponsoring us allows you to gain exposure for your brand and can provide your brand with an excellent opportunity to be featured front and center before, during, and after each virtual event.

  • Logo on event website
  • Social media acknowledgement
  • Logo in BGHF newsletter
  • Logo on Flyers
  • Vendor table
  • Video Advertisement during the event to promote company or message during the event.
  • Logo and Ad video promotion in BGHF Newsletterleading up to the event
  • Social Media Acknowledgement
  • Logo on event website
  • Logo on Flyers
  • Logo in BGHF Newsletter
  • Banner Recognition: Company Banner on Minds Matter Website
  • Kickoff Speaker: The Company/Sponsor can designate speaker to kick off the eventand promote their mission and brand
  • Attendee Data Collection- BGHF can provide Company/Sponsor with demographic andanonymous survey information from the event attendees.
  • Logo and Ad video promotion in BGHF Newsletter
  • Social Media Promotion on All BGH social Platforms Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook
  • Vendor Table
  • Logo on Flyers
  • Logo on website
  • Video Advertisement during the event to promote company or message during theevent.

Executive Director | Black Girl Health Foundation, Inc.

About Event Organizer

Black Girl Health Foundation, Inc is a non-profit 501c3 that creates pathways to improve the health of black women and girls through education, engagement, and empowerment. 

The foundation connects with women of color through its College Ambassador Program implemented at educational institutions and communities in the northeastern region. The program helps students and women in the surrounding communities adopt healthier behaviors through through nutrition, exercise, and disease prevention education.

The non-profit furthers its health impact on women and girls of color by partnering with Black Girl Health, LLC for is annual  National Kickstart Health & Wellness Program; which includes an entire day of interactive workshops by renown health experts, doctors, health screenings, and fitness trainers to motivate women to take control of their health and give them resources to make informed decisions. 

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© 2022 Black Girl Health Foundation, Inc.